Affordable and User Friendly. Catches IDR Counterfeits! Contact us for a free trial.

Non-Stop Processing. Affordable All-in-One Solution. Outstanding value for money. Now with Indonesian Rupiah Detection.
That’s just one reason why our technicians are noted for their expertise, quick response, and friendly customer service.
Rigorous training is regularly conducted at our facilities to ensure that our technicians have the comprehensive product and application knowledge needed to keep your equipment operating at peak efficiency. Our technicians are trained to service Cummins Allison products such as the JetCount®, JetScan®, and the JetScan iFX®, all Double Power® products, all KOA® products, and CMICO® spindle counters.
Besides the Greater Jakarta area, our service locations are also located in Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, Bali, Batam, and Makassar. Therefore our technicians will always be able to meet any service requests you might have. Even if your machine is located outside of our service location, do not worry; just contact us and we will still schedule a service visit to your location anywhere in Indonesia.
Every PT. HDS service representative are fully trained to understand the latest technologies, improvements in machine design, maintenance, troubleshooting, and how to help customers stay up to date on the latest currency regulations. When you service equipment with us, you can count on authorized Cummins Allison, Double power, and CMICO genuine parts from a well-trained, authorized service representative.
PT. Harmoni Danatek Solusindo (HDS) akan selalu membantu menjaga agar peralatan anda tetap berjalan lancar dan optimal. Itulah salah satu alasan mengapa teknisi-teknisi kami sudah terkenal atas kecepatan, kehandalan, dan keramahannya.
Semua teknisi PT. HDS secara teratur diberikan pelatihan yang menyeluruh di kantor pusat kami agar mereka selalu memiliki pengetahuan yang komprehensif untuk selalu menjaga performa mesin-mesin anda. Teknisi-teknisi kami telah dilatih untuk memeriksa dan memperbaiki semua jenis mesin Cummins Allison seperti JetCount®, JetScan®, dan JetScan iFX®, semua jenis mesin KOA®, semua jenis mesin Double Power®, dan semua jenis mesin CMICO®.
Selain siap di daerah Jabodetabek, servis point kami juga terletak di Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, Bali, Batam, dan Makassar. Semua teknisi-teknisi PT. HDS juga dengan rutin mengunjugi semua lokasi-lokasi dimana mesin kami berada meskipun terletak di luar service point. Dengan demikian anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan layanan purna-jual kami.
Ketika anda servis mesin hitung uang anda dengan kami, anda akan terjamin untuk mendapatkan suku cadang Cummins Allison, Double Power, dan CMICO yang asli dari teknisi terlatih kami.
Affordable and User Friendly. Catches IDR Counterfeits! Contact us for a free trial.
Non-Stop Processing. Affordable All-in-One Solution. Outstanding value for money. Now with Indonesian Rupiah Detection.